Provided for people registered to GP practices within Nottingham West, Mansfield & Ashfield and Newark & Sherwood Clinical Commissioning Groups.
Mansfield & Ashfield and Newark & Sherwood

PICS is part of the “End of Life Care Together” Integrated Delivery Model for Mansfield and Ashfield and Newark and Sherwood (Mid Notts) registered patients.
Our partners are:
- Nottinghamshire Healthcare Trust (Local Partnerships)
- John Eastwood Hospice
- Beaumond House Community Hospice
- Nottinghamshire Hospice
We are also in partnership with Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (SFHFT).
The service works collaboratively with patients and their carers, focusing on the individual patient’s end of life needs and providing holistic support. This is achieved by initiation, and consented sharing of EPaCCS (Electronic Palliative Care Co-ordination Systems), Advance Care Planning and the ReSPECT process. The service is for all patients with an end of life prognosis or specialist palliative care need irrespective of primary diagnosis.
The service is for patients and their carer’s in Mid Nottinghamshire who may have:
- An estimated prognosis of 12 months or less
- Specialist palliative care needs
- Supportive palliative care needs
- Support as a Carer or a Bereaved Person related to a patient referred to the service
The triage service coordinates all onward referrals to end of life care services based on patient need and preferred place of care. The service coordinates e-referrals to adult social care and third sector organisations such as Cruse, Citizens Advice, carer and patient support groups and services.
The End of Life Care Together for Mid-Nottinghamshire provides:
- A single point of referral, 24 hours, 7 day a week service.
- Outreach by Specialist Palliative Nurses by PICS and John Eastwood Hospice and, to support patients and carers in their home.
- Provide clinical triage, assessment and coordination of patient and carer needs.
- Hospice at Home services, including a dedicated nursing service to provide care in the home through the night and during the day dependent on the Patient or Carers needs (provided by Beaumond House Community Hospice and Notts Hospice).
- Community Hospice beds, at Beaumond House Community Hospice and John Eastwood Hospice.
- A Two hour urgent response for home assessment.
Nottingham West
The Nottingham West Palliative Care service is for Long-Term Conditions for non-cancer patients. It is a specialist nurse led innovative service which shows that 80 percent of patients are able to die in their preferred place of care.
The service has resulted in
- More non cancer patients being able to die in their home.
- Increased focus on non-cancer cases approaching the end of their life.
- A dedicated community service visiting patients in their homes and care homes, providing a caring and effective service.
The service can be accessed via your local GP. To know more about the service please contact 03000 830 000 option 3.